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Insights Network is proud to further the adoption of our blockchain-based market research technology by sharing these comprehensive survey results from our earliest participants in relation to the feedback on a recent Beer Before Wine Study.

Key Metrics
These results included 5,516 unique answers from 1,379 participants.
- Total number of participants: 1,379
- Total number of questions asked: 4
- Total number of unique answers: 5,516
- Total number of countries participated: 92
Questions Surveyed
The survey was based around the opinions on a recent Beer Before Wine Survey from our earliest participants which claims ‘beer before wine and you’ll feel fine’.

Scientists today tested the old hangover theory, ‘beer before wine and you’ll feel fine’ to discover whether the old saying is true. The result: if you have too much, regardless of the order, you will pay the price for it the next day.

Interesting Findings
- 33% of participants agreed with the scientific study and believe that everything should be taken in moderation. 40% agreed with the scientific study and think it’s obvious
- About the same percentage of female and male participants, enjoy an alcoholic beverage at least sometimes with females at 80% and males at 76%
- About half of European participants drink 1 or more units of alcohol per week while half drink less than 1 unit
- It appears that South America and Australasian countries have the most social and heavy drinkers despite no participants selecting 25+ units per week based on smaller sample size.
- Over 72% of Australasian participants have at least one alcoholic unit per week. Almost 17% drink between 8 and 24 units per week.
- 43% of South American participants drink between 1 and 7 units per week. About 14% drink between 8 and 24 units per week.
- A higher than average percentage of Russian participants do not enjoy alcohol at 28%
- 3.33% of Asian participants drink 25+ units per week
We’re excited to share more research results and upcoming product releases.
Thanks for reading and your constant support of our journey!
Onwards and more insights,
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