We’re proud to announce the solidification of the INSTAR brand with the launch of instars.com. Join us to earn cryptocurrency while preserving your privacy!

As we continue to grow our audience, we have expanded our focus on building our verified market research panel by offering 8 additional profile value categories for market research participants to add to their INSTAR blockchain account.
InstarWallet will now forward to instars.com as this becomes the home of our market research platform powered by the INSTAR blockchain.
When logging in to your instars.com account, you can add additional profile values to your account by going to Settings > Profile Values. INSTAR tokens are released into your account for each profile value you add.

Let us know what you think of the updated website and additional profile variables on instars.com.
Onwards and more insights,
Interested in creating your own blockchain technology market research surveys? Get started with our Requester Dashboard in minutes!
Looking to earn cryptocurrency for sharing your opinion?
Earn cryptocurrency while preserving your privacy on www.instars.com or join the discussion on telegram!
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