The first round of INSTAR Token Migration is complete and your tokens are on the INSTAR Blockchain!

Dear INSTAR Community,
The Official INSTAR Token Migration began on July 1, 2019 and was announced with the simple instructions on how to migrate from INSTAR ERC-20 tokens to the native INSTAR protocol token of the INSTAR Blockchain! Read more here
For those of you who participated in pairing your erc-20 to instar address, the first round of migration is complete and your tokens are on the INSTAR blockchain. If you have tried to claim your tokens, but can’t currently access them, that is because we are currently working with Greymass, a notable EOS Main Net Block Producer, to migrate our history node to an upgraded setup. Rest assured, your tokens are on the INSTAR Blockchain and will be available for transfer again after the completion of the updated history node, which we expect to finish up by Friday.
We encourage everyone else to download the Greymass Wallet and start their token migration process as soon as possible. Here are the official instructions:
Download the Greymass Wallet from their Github: This wallet will allow you to access your INSTAR tokens using your private key.
Get ready for the INSTAR Blockchain Block Producer Election to be held within the next 3–6 months! Owning INSTAR tokens gives you voting rights and the block producers of our privacy preserving — data ownership blockchain will be voted in by the INSTAR token holders themselves!
We thank all of our community members for your die hard dedication to the Insights Network project. Over the next year, we will unveil some unbelievable breakthroughs for Internet Privacy and Consumer Data Ownership together!
To the next level,
Team Insights
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